Saturday 17 March 2012


This is a

Strange case of the computer found next to Rebekah Brooks home - update

It seems what was on the laptops may have enabled the Met Police to arrest Rebekah Brooks and her husband for trying to pervert the course of justice.

I guess it isn't lawful to destroy evidence of alleged criminal acts.

Nuclear no glow

Finally environmentalism has grown up and now trusts science. This is evidenced by five prominent environmentalists, including George Monbiot and Mark Lynas, writing to David Cameron asking him to ignore pleas from friend of the Royals Jonathan Porrit on nuclear. Porrit can't forget his CND roots - he sees nuclear power as evil.

Monbiot, Lynas et al point out that we need zero carbon fuels such as nuclear, this option is certainly better than coal or gas fired power stations.

Horse shit update

No 10 has had to admit that prime minister, and official 'man of the people', David Cameron did ride the horse which the Met Police lent to their best friend Rebekah Brooks.

Dave stressed it was before the general election and that he was too busy to ride horses at the moment. What a relief. Let's not forget Dave is still one of the guys, you know he met a black man in Plymouth once.

The Now Show

Went to see the recording of this week's Now Show.

Excellent fun.

But we're hating the way Radio 4 is being made to have a right wing view for "balance". Matt Forde's apology for bankers this week was so unfunny. He was saying that Stephen Hester should have kept his £1m bonus. There wasn't a clap in the audience, I'm surprised he wasn't heckled. Truly awful comedy moment.

Thankfully the show was saved by the rest of the guys. Jon Holmes had the best gag of the show in relation to Starbucks new policy of asking customers for their name: don't tell them Pike!

Pushed all the way to the bottom

A new report shows entry to the best selective schools is so competitive that children need to score near perfect results in the entry test to secure a place.

But children who are heavily coached to pass these tests usually end up in bottom sets and get lower results at GCSE and A level than their entry test results would suggest.

Pushy parents have been warned.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

James Murdoch is toast

Nice cartoon from Steve Bell

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Clean sweep in Spanish schools

In Valencia parents have been cleaning their children's schools and even lending money to schools where the schools have run out of money.

Can you imagine UK parents cleaning their children's schools?

Horse shit

Mad story - the London Metropolitan Police lent the editor of the News of the World a police horse.

In what possible world are these people living in?

And now Number 10 have gone silent on whether David Cameron used Rebekah Brooks' police horse

Monday 27 February 2012

Putin the boot in

Seems very suspicious that the Russian police have foiled a plot to assassinate Putin a few days before the presidential election. Looks like Putin is trying to enhance his image as a Muslim fighting hero.

Pray tell

Horsham DC say prayers before each council meeting. Many councils do the same. They stress the prayers are held before the meeting.

Interestingly if I wanted to hire a council chamber for a business meeting I would have to pay perhaps £500. In fact there are rules that say councils must charge when people want to use rooms for non-council business.

I assume the christian councillors are paying to hire the council chamber for their private meeting.

Saturday 25 February 2012

England v Wales

What a match. Well done Wales. They played well and managed to sneak the game in the dying seconds.

Not sure about disallowing the last England try. England played really well. Definitely upped their game, but not quite enough to beat Wales.